Frequently asked questions
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Ours conditions
Are swimsuits compulsory in water games ?
It depends on which water game.
Bathing clothing is compulsory to access the 3-track “Glisse-vite” water slide. This includes swim briefs, T-shirts and swim shorts, burkinis and covering lycra outfits (to avoid any risk of strangulation in the slides, the head and neck cover must consist of a tight-fitting piece attached to the garment and not into a large, floating insert).
In all other water games (“Splash-beach”, “Super Glissade”, “Zoom Floom”), swimsuits are recommended but light clothing such as cotton or synthetic shorts and T-shirts are allowed, as well as underwear (for children only).
Full-length clothing worn outside such as sarongs, jeans, joggers and jilbab are prohibited.
My child is 3, can she/he play any games ?
Even if my child is not of the recommended age for the game, can she/he access it if I take responsibility ?
Can I charge my electric vehicle ?
No, we don’t have a spot yet.
Have you got PRM parking spots ?
Can I get out of the park and come back after ?
I have a disability, what is the entrance price ?
If you carry a disability card, your entry is 9,50€ worth. If you need a guide/companion, his/her entry will be free.
Note that: trails are accessible for wheel chairs for the most, we keep on working to make them as practicable as possible.
My child is underage, can I let him/her in your amusement park for the day ?
If your child is over 16 years old, he/she can enter alone.
If your child is between 14 and 16, you must fill in a form and give it to us signed the day of your arrival.
What is the best way to dress up to enjoy Le Village des Fous ?
Can I bring my pic-nic table, my chairs and my sunshade ?
Are Piñatas, confettis and streamers allowed ?
Are dogs allowed in the park ?
My child is in the park, I want to enter to get him/her.
It's raining but the park does not close. I want to get paid off.
I did not make a reservation for my child's birthday, can I benefit from the « 1 offered adult, 1 invite for the child » offer ?
Le Village des Fous got evacuated by the amusement park's management, can I come back ?

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